
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Macbeth a Victim of Choice not Fate :: essays research papers

The three witches told Macbeth of his fate. Did the events in Macbeth?s life occur because of the witches? prophesy or was it because of the choices he made? Could there possibly be some of twain? What caused Macbeth to fall? Was it his fate or his free will?To begin, we look at the first prediction of the witches. They call him by the names of ?Thane of Glamis?, which he already is, ?Thane of Cawdor? (a title he does not know he has been given), and King hereafter. As a result, the first two things the witches see to it him ben?t prophesies because they have already happened. Look at the third and most important prophecy. The witches tell Macbeth that he will become ?King Hereafter?, there?s cognition that this actually happened. ?If chance will have me king, why, chance may vizor me.? (1 3) Did it happen because of fate or did Macbeth make it happen? The witches tempted Macbeth to scratch off the King, however, it was his throw ambition that led him to do that terrible thing . Macbeth, even though he was uneasy, he chose to devour King Duncan and ascend to the throne of Scotland. ?Nothing is merely what is not.? (1 3) Look at the second set of prophesies. The witches tell Macbeth to beware of Macduff. They tell him that no one born of a woman shall harm Macbeth. The witches are being sneaky here to give Macbeth the illusion that he cannot be harmed. Macduff eventually kills Macduff. Does Macduff, who is not born of woman, (his mother passed before he was born) kill Macbeth because of fate? Maybe he does but why does Macduff want to kill Macbeth anyway? Macbeth killed the king and took the throne, so there is an apparent reason that it was Macbeth?s choice.Finally, the witches tell him that he will not fall until ?Birnam woodwind instruments meets Dunsinane Hill.? Well, Birnam Wood meets Dunsinane Hill and Macbeth is defeated. This again is partially Macbeth?s fault. If he hadn?t killed the King, Malcolm?s forces would never have attacked him and made t he prophesy true.

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