
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Kazuo Ishiguros Style In The Remains Of The Day

Kazuo Ishiguros Style In The Remains Of The Day Kazuo Ishiguro's Style in "The Remains of the Day" (From a grammatical point of view) It is quite difficult to analyse the writer's style without having read the book through, but it is obvious even from the given extract, considering the numerous levels of subordination and the scarcity of simple sentences, that his style is rather complicated and obscure for an average reader.Out of fifty analysed sentences only seven appeared to be simple sentences, the rest are composite ones, mostly compound-complex sentences. The number of coordinatively linked clauses is quite small and they are linked in most cases syndetically by a copulative link "and", but the cases of the adversative "but" emerge distinctly as well. As to the link types of coordinated clauses, all examples are present. The cases of pure coordination are very rare; one could point out maximum 3-4 such sentences. Coordination appears together with subordination.English: Complex sentence with an explicit subordi...After anal ysing the types of subordinate clauses present in the text, I came to the conclusion that the author is very fond of the object clauses. They outnumbered the other types by far. The frequent use of object clauses can be explained by a array of transitive verbs in the text. On the other hand, the use of transitive verbs shows that the action is directed towards something or somebody, which are described by a whole clause. The second more frequently used type of subordinate clauses is the relative clause, which purpose is clearly descriptive or defining. The types of the adverbial clauses are all present; the adverbial clauses of time, concession and reason emerge more clearly from others.There is but one subject clause and complement clause. This indicates that the protagonist tends to define himself through the world outside by describing the objects or phenomena surrounding...

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